Explore Atlanta’s history-rich culture in the Sweet Auburn District, just minutes from Downtown. Walk the streets where Martin Luther King, Jr. was born and where many of Atlanta\'s prominent black-owned businesses began. Atlanta’s Sweet Auburn is also home to the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historic Site which includes an interactive visitor’s center which explores the Dr. King’s legacy in the Civil Rights movement and displays one of the city’s two Nobel Peace Prizes.
The site also features the restored King Birth Home; Ebenezer Baptist Church; the burial sites of King and his wife, Corretta Scott King; and the International Walk of Fame - an interactive memorial made of shoe prints from influential Civil Rights activists. Take the GPS Ranger Tour of the MLK Historic Site for a guided walking tour that moves at your own pace. As the epicenter of the nation’s civil rights movement, celebrate Black History Month each February with a trip to The APEX Museum, which presents our nation’s history through the eyes of African-Americans.
Each February also brings the Black History Month Parade, where the neighborhood’s history is celebrated with performances, guest speakers, and lots of delicious food. Enjoy a taste of the South at the Sweet Auburn Curb Market, one of Atlanta’s favorite farmer’s markets since 1918, with fresh produce, meats and dairy from local and organic farms. Each year, the Sweet Auburn community hosts Springfest, the South’s largest African-American heritage festivat, and the National Black Arts Festival which attracts nearly 500,000 people over the three day event.